These walls take the weight of the whole building structure.
Load Bearing Wall
These walls are inside the building only to divide the rooms and they do not possess any structural integrity.
Non-Load Bearing Wall
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These walls are constructed with the help of bricks. The thickness may vary from 10cm to 20cm
Brick Masonry Wall
These walls are constructed around the lift pit. They bear the pressure of wind and soil.
Shear Wall
These wall are built to maintain the unequal level of the ground on its two faces.
Retaining Wall
These wall are constructed with irregular size of stones.
Random Rubble Stone Masonry Wall
These are ready made walls brought and fitted as per the need. One just needs to specify the length and height.
Precast Wall
These types of wall are constructed with glass, aluminium or with a steel frame.
Curtain Wall
Wall is a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land. So the next time you want to build one, do make a good choice.