Residential building comes with many types like - Detached single-family
Apartment, Condominium.
Residential Buildings
Retail buildings can be single shop or multi-shop structures.
Retail Buildings
Buildings dedicated to office space and can hold single or multiple firms.
Office Buildings
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These are stand-alone buildings used as hotels and restaurants.
Hospitality Buildings
This is a building that incorporates several functions like office space with the residential area and shops.
Multi-Purpose Buildings
Most are owned by the government, but not all. For example, Hospitals, Libraries
Community centers, Museum
Courthouses, Police/Fire
Post office.
Institutional Civic Buildings
This is a building type where people gather together for a common purpose like, stadium, theaters and auditoriums.
Gathering Buildings
This type of building is dedicated for religious activities like Church, Temple, Mosque.
Religious Buildings
Educational buildings are schools and colleges. Most towns have one or more Educational Buildings.
Educational Buildings
Many towns have Industrial Buildings for manufacturing facilities such as a factory and warehousing.
Industrial Buildings
This type of building is used for keeping animals and storing food.
Agricultural Buildings
Recreational buildings where you can engage in various activities like swimming pool, indoor trampoline park, an indoor climbing gym and a nearby fitness center.