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The Best Ways to Stay Warm at Home This Winter

Carol Evenson
Whether you love or hate it, winter is on its way. As temperatures start to drop, it’s time to start thinking about exchanging summer wardrobe for your winter one. At the same time, you might start worrying on how to stay warm and cozy in your home without watching your heating bills skyrocket.
Here are six ways that you can stay warm at home this winter while also helping you to save some money on your energy bills.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

While your thermostat controls the temperature in your home, older models can be quite inefficient. They may have your furnace running for longer than necessary. You have to manually alter the temperature every time you leave, come home, or go to bed. Sometimes, you might forget.
Instead of dealing with old thermostat, now may be a good time to consider upgrade. Programmable thermostats enable you to set temperatures for different times of day without you having to worry. Thus, the temperature will automatically adjust when everyone leaves or goes to sleep.

Look for Leaks

Improving your thermostat is a great way to ensure your home stays warm (and your energy bills stay low). It won’t mean anything if your home leaks, though. Take the time to check your doors and windows for air leaks. Seal any leaks that you find. It may also be worth your time to check your attic and basement, as well.

Turn on Your Fireplace

A fireplace can decrease your dependency on furnace, which can help you to keep energy bills down. While a wood-burning fireplace can be a romantic notion on a chilly winter night, it can be inefficient if not used properly. The living room might be warm, but other areas of the home can become quite cold. A glass front can help.
Additionally, wood-burning fireplaces can pose a fire hazard if they’re not properly cared for. Gas fireplaces are another popular option. You can also choose to use ventless gas fire logs. These logs don’t require a chimney. They’re affordable, they look realistic, and they’re very energy-efficient.

Use Your Curtains

Your curtains can be a very effective tool for keeping warmth in your home. In the daytime, open your curtains to let natural sunlight in. The sun can help to warm your home, reducing your dependency on your furnace.
At night, close the curtains to keep the heat in. The material of your curtains will matter. Thin, airy curtains won’t have any effect. Instead, you should look for heavier, insulated curtains. While they won’t be able to keep all of the warm air in your home, they’ll certainly make a big difference.

Don’t Let Your Ceiling Fans Sit Dormant

It’s not uncommon to turn off ceiling fans in the winter. Doing so, however, can actually make your home less efficient. Many ceiling fans have a switch that enables you to reverse the direction of the blades. Switching your fan to spin counterclockwise helps to push heat near the ceiling back down into the rest of the home.

Move Furniture

Take a close look at where your furniture is sitting. You may have inadvertently placed a sofa, armchair, or bed in front of a heating vent. If you have furniture blocking any heating vents, be sure to move the pieces away so that the warm air can flow uninterrupted.
Winter might be on its way, but that doesn’t mean you have to freeze just to avoid paying high energy bills. By taking these steps, you can keep your home (and your family) warm and cozy while also keeping your heating costs lower.