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Shelf Liner Ideas

Rimlee Bhuyan
To prevent dust and grime from collecting on the surface of shelves, a good idea is to line them with shelf liners. Shelf liners also keep your shelves looking neat and organized.
Do your kitchen shelves look messy with spilled food and stains? Then what you need are shelf liners that will protect your shelves and keep them neat and clean. Shelf liners are pieces of paper, plastic or fabric that are used to line shelves in the kitchen or pantry.
Shelves can also be used to line drawers of closets, chests and bathroom cabinets. They are available in varied materials and patterns to suit your needs. Best thing about shelf liners is, they are mostly sold in rolls and can be cut to fit the dimensions of the shelves.

Wire Shelf Liners

If you have wire shelves in the kitchen, then a good idea would be to opt for wire shelf liners. Wire shelf liners are nothing but plastic liners that are placed over the shelves.
They are thick plastic liners that are useful for preventing smaller items from falling through the wire mesh. They are available in both self adhesive and non adhesive types and they also work well as refrigerator shelf liners.

Rubber Shelf Liners

You can also use rubber shelf liners to line wire shelves in the kitchen. The advantage of using rubber shelf liners is that fragile items kept over it will not slip and break. Choose thicker rubber liners so that it provides cushioning for glasses and plates.
If you are thinking that rubber liners won't match the décor of your kitchen, then think again. Nowadays rubber shelf liners are available in a wide variety of colors, patterns and textures. Both rubber and plastic shelf liners are available in any home improvement stores and larger retail stores.

Paper Shelf Liners

If you want something inexpensive and easy to clean, then the best shelf liner idea would be to opt for paper shelf liners. There are thousands of patterns available from pastel colored floral ones to the bright colored geometrical ones.
Choose a pattern that matches with the décor of your home. Patterned shelf liners can be used anywhere from pantry shelves, closet drawers to bathroom shelves. One of the best shelf liner ideas is to use leftover wrapping paper and colored printed paper as kitchen shelf liners.
Just make sure that the colors are water fast before using them. Lining pantry shelves with paper is a very good idea as it becomes easier to clean. All you need to do is remove the paper shelf liner and clean it with a piece of soft cloth to remove dirt and dust.

Fabric Shelf Liners

Another great shelf liner idea is to use fabric for lining a shelf. Fabric shelf liners are nothing new and have been used by home owners from a long time. They are great for lining a china cabinet as well as side board. Fabric shelf liners reduce the risk of cutlery slipping and breaking and they look quite elegant too.
Fabric shelf liners are a little difficult to find in a store and even if you do find them, chances are that they won't fit the dimensions of your shelf. It is best to make your own fabric shelf liners at home with scrap fabric that you have lying around the house. If you are good at sewing, you can even make a quilted fabric shelf liner.
These were some ideas for lining a shelf. Shelf liners protect the surface of the shelves from water stains, which are difficult to remove. Lining shelves with shelf liners are an excellent way to keep your shelves clean, organized and dirt free.