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Tips for Installing Architectural Roofing Shingles

Poushali Ganguly
Every time you need to repair or reinstall the shingles on the roof, you don't need to consult a professional. With a little common sense and method, you can do it yourself. Here are some tips to install architectural shingles.
Generally, the old shingles are removed from the roof, and the old lines are marked by chalk, since there would be a double layering. A wind-driven baffle helps when rain gets into it. Since it is covered with hip and ridge shingles, it will give an architectural, three-dimensional look.
A new ice-and-water barrier is also installed on the ridge so that any ice buildup in the gutters would not apply any upward thrust underneath the new shingles. This should help you in installing the architectural shingles that you have got.
Architectural shingles are thus named, because they give a three-dimensional look. They are built of asphalt and mineral granules. Therefore, they last longer than others, and come with a forty-year warranty. They are convenient options for contractors, as they are easy to install.
If you are planning to install them by yourself, ensure that you don't hurt yourself, merely to save some money! Here are some methods, which would help you to do it with ease.

Precautions To Take While Working On The Roof

Working on the roof can be very dangerous, and appropriate precautions should be taken so that there aren't any mishaps.
  • It is always better to let someone know that you are working on the roof, or better take a helper to help you with the miscellaneous.
  • A ladder should be used, that is high and strong enough for the job you want to do. Before you climb onto, make sure that the ladder is safely grounded.
  • Be careful, especially when you are working near power lines, conduit, or antennas. Try not to touch them, or stay away if you are working on a metal ladder.
  • Do not start the work in a wet or cold weather. The suggestion would be to let the morning dew vaporize before you start.
  • Always wear heavy, rubber-soled shoes, which have a good grip. This shall avoid skidding. Also, do not wear loose clothes.
  • If the roof slope is more than six inches for every twelve inches, the use of roof brackets and boards is a must to get extra foot support. The shingles and the tools should be within easy access so that they do not slide off the roof.
  • The roof surface should be kept clean and free form nails and loose shingles, which may otherwise cause you to slip and fall.
  • Let people know which part of the roof you would be working on so that they can avoid walking underneath it.
The materials that are required are shingles, which are sold in squares. Most of them are baled together, so there are 3-4 shingles per square. The length and the width of the roof should be measured, and according to these measurements, shingles should be bought. It is better if you buy a little extra, since the shingles tend to fall and break.
Around two and half pounds of nails are required for each square. 15 lb of roofing felt is required to cover the roof beneath the shingles. When selecting the shingles, their style, type, and size, need to be kept in mind. The selection should be based on the type and grade needed for the building.
The purpose of the building, the slope of the roof, local weather conditions, and the architecture of the building are some of the factors to be taken into consideration. The exposure of the shingle is also to be considered, and most of the time, the manufacturer specifies it.