If proper techniques are followed, pouring a concrete slab will not be a daunting task, as it seems to be; it can be easily done at home. This information will give you a step-by-step guide to build a good foundation for any building structure.
A slab is supposed to be the foundation of an architectural design. Slabs form the support for sheds, patios, carport sheds, farming houses, and even for kitchen counter tops.
You can do it right at your home, if you know the correct plan and technique. The cost of the materials are reasonable, and you can raise it at home without much effort. In order to get a smooth and level surface, there are some specific methods for this process.
The Procedure
To build a concrete floor, you must plan the design, arrange the materials, and then go ahead with the steps. Your plan should include the following points.
First, determine the types of material to be used.
Estimating the amount of material needed.
Concentration of ingredients for raising the flooring.
Constructing the forms.
Actual pouring technique.
Reinforcing the floor for solidification.
Finishing the floor in different ways.
Allowing the concrete to cure.
Equipment Required for Pouring Concrete
Wood spikes
Wire mesh
Concrete mixer
Mason's string
Pouring Technique
The three things that must be taken into consideration are design, layout, and the size of the slab. Accordingly, you will need to decide the quantity of the mixture.
The slabs are generally monolithic, i.e, made up of a single pour. First, clear out all the grass, weed, and debris from the ground and then set the footings on all sides.
For adequate space, dig the footing at least 18 inches in width and depth to form the perimeter of the slab. Chop the wood, then build the frame. If wall has broken and you want to build a block wall, then you must know the basics for building a slab first.
Place the form boards around the perimeter. Hammer them with double headed nails so that they can be easily removed later.
Before pouring the cement mixture, lay a bed of sand inside the wooden frame. The bed should be 2 inches deep and rake it smooth with water. Place the rebar rods over stools and mesh the sand bed with wires to cover the open slab area.
Prepare the mixture using a mortar and pastel or a concrete mixer. The liquid composition should form a strong base after solidification.
Since, it's a monolithic slab, pouring is done at one shot to get a uniform layout. Now pour the mixture from the container starting from the end till the other corner of the frame. Ensure that the entire area is covered
Use a screed board to smooth the surface. There should not be any air bubbles over the liquid cement mixture. You can even use a bull float to level the surface and make it intact. Allow it to dry for a few days. Once the cement solidifies completely, wet with water regularly. This makes the slab strong.
Points to Remember
As soon as you make the mixture, pour it immediately. This prevents drying of the mix.
The ground bed should be completely dry, smooth, and flat.
The weather should be bright and sunny. Cement needs some time to dry and rain is detrimental for a good quality slab. Waterproofing helps to overcome this problem during rain.
You will gather some experience once you have tried the procedure. The consistency of the mixture and the flooring is vital for good results.