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Insulating Window Film

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Insulating window films are meant to reflect the sun's heat during the summer and retain it during the winter. Let's have a detailed look at what they do.
Window films are designed for improving the home's comfort and appearance. They are used for various purposes such as solar heat reduction, ultraviolet (UV) protection, heat insulation, safety, privacy, and decoration.
The material and quality may vary depending upon the purpose for which they have been installed. For example, films coated with low-emission reduce the sun's heat.

Benefits of Insulating Film

These films serve as a multipurpose product for controlling the heat inside the house.
During summer, these help in preventing the solar heat (about 70%) from entering the house, thus keeping the atmosphere cool. Since the temperature is maintained , there is lesser need for air conditioners, fans, coolers, or other cooling devices.
During winter, they retain heat inside the house by preventing escape. A superior-quality product may retain about 55% of the heat. Considering this, the usage of heating systems can be reduced. As the use of major electricity-consuming devices is minimized, the energy utilization is also reduced. As much as 35% of power consumption is reduced.
In addition to solar heat reflection and heat retention, these products reduce fading damage by blocking more than 90% of the UV rays. Hence, fading of room contents like window treatments, carpets, rugs, curtains, furniture, woodwork, artwork, and other furnishings is reduced significantly. They also reduce the glare on television and computer screens.
Nowadays, spectral window films are available, which reflect harmful solar radiations and heat, while allowing the entry of selective rays and natural light. Another advantage is that they are affordable and can be installed without seeking the services of a professional.


Many homeowners prefer to install the tint on their own. While purchasing one, make sure that you take into account the size of the window pane, type, thickness of glass, and other such properties. Always, purchase superior-quality products with maximum warranty period that will suit your requirements.
A majority of products require installation by a professional in order to avail the warranty period. Besides, it is meant to last a season; however, with care and exquisite caution, it may last for years to come. In case you are planning to install on your own, you will require the following materials:
  • Film
  • Knife or scissors
  • Hairdryer
  • Transparent tape


  • Firstly, clean the glass using shampoo and water. Cut out the film 1 inch longer and broader than the window size. Expose the backing adhesive from one end and fix the exposed portion on the top portion of the glass.
  • Work your way down by removing the adhesive. Doing so prevents the contamination of the tint.
  • Make sure there are no bubbles entrapped in between the glass and the film.
  • Work your way down by removing the adhesive. Doing so prevents the contamination of the tint.
  • After that, blow dry with a hairdryer, secure the edges with the transparent tape, and trim off the unwanted parts.
A good idea would be to call a professional for the installation. However, if you are very keen to install it all by yourself, do so under professional guidance as it is not an easy task. Know that if there are pets and children at home, it may not be profitable to install such products as they may poke holes in the plastic and affect their longevity.