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Instructions for Painting Over Wallpaper

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Painting over wallpaper is a good option to redecorate a room. However, without the right guidance the job may look shoddy. Here are some instructions for painting over wallpaper in the correct way.
While thinking of remodeling a room, the first thing to consider is the wall design and color. You would like to design the room walls to match the interior design and/or furniture. In case of old wallpapers, the most common problem is peels that give a shabby appearance to the room.
The best option is to remove them with the help of warm water, steamers, or other chemicals. For some of them, removal is not so easy, as there are chances of damaging the inner drywall. In such a condition, you can try to paint over the wallpaper, which is much easier and faster.


There are certain precautions that should be followed during this process. Before you start, the wallpapers should be made ready, otherwise the end result may look sloppy and cheap. You should make the surface as smooth as possible.


  • First of all, analyze the current condition of the wall. Check for any air pockets; if there are many spots of loosened paper, then it will be better to scrape the wallpaper, as air pockets will appear more distinctly on a painted surface.
  • Another thing is the texture of the wall; some wallpapers may have raised designs, that should be removed. You can check for raised areas by running your hand over the wall surface. Make the necessary arrangements to mask the electrical outlets and windows.
  • You can remove loose wallpapers, make the seams tight and patch holes (if present) with fillers like vinyl speckling compound.
  • White glue can be used for a torn wallpaper. For getting rid of raised areas, you can make use of a sandpaper and scrub over the lumps. Some people prefer to rough up the wall for easy sticking of the paint. For both these purposes, you can use sandpaper of 150 grit size.
  • Take a damp sponge and wipe the wall to clean off grit, residues, dust, and dirt that stick to the wall surface. Allow the wall to dry and with this, the wallpaper is ready for painting.
  • It is always advisable to use a stain blocking primer (sealer) before applying the paint. A primer serves two functions; it blocks the underlying wallpaper to absorb moisture from the paint.
This is very essential, otherwise the paint may not stick to the wallpaper. Secondly, a primer helps to cover the wallpaper designs and avoid any possible bleeds that may be visible through the paint.


  • You can decide the color of the stain blocking primer; you can choose a color intermediate between the existing wallpaper color, and the color of the paint that you will be using.
  • If both colors are light, buy a primer that is tinted.
  • Shake the stain blocking primer well, wear a latex glove and start by using a roller.
  • Allow the primer coat to dry; check for any bleeds through the paint. If this occurs, apply another coat and allow it to dry.
  • As the second primer coat dries completely, you can apply the paint. If there are any areas that are left to cover, you can use a brush and give a finishing touch.
  • Following this way, your painting over wallpaper can result in a good looking wall, and can also be a rewarding experience.