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How to Install Ceramic Wall Tiles

Ujwal Deshmukh
There are many ways to enhance the decor of the walls of your house. Ceramic tiles have been found to be popular in this aspect. Through this story, we help you gain an insight on how to install ceramic wall tiles.
A tile can be called a manufactured form of ceramic, metal, stone, etc. These are all hard-wearing materials. The word tile comes from a French word called 'tuile'. Tiles are used for many purposes, such as roofing, ceiling, flooring, etc.

Procedure for Installation

For installing ceramic wall tiles, you require:
  • Ceramic tiles
  • Tile adhesive (a latex glue or adhesive is suggested for use, so as to strengthen the bond between the tile and the wall.)
  • Grout mix
  • Measurement tape
  • Caulk
  • A saw to cut tiles
  • Sponge
  • Notched trowel
  • Tile spacers
  • Rubber float
  • The first step is to set the right layout of your wall.
  • Measure the length and width of your wall, and begin installation from the center of the wall.
  • Further, 'dry fit' the tiles to ensure a proper tile pattern fit on the edges.
  • Apply the tile adhesive onto the wall with the help of notched trowel, and fix the tiles on the adhesive. Do not forget to leave spaces between the tiles which can be done with the help of tile spacers. In order to attach the tiles firmly to the adhesive, twist the tile a bit on the adhesive.
  • Further, trim the tiles on the ends, if required. If the tiles are sharp at the ends, a sandpaper could be used to smoothen them.
  • Leave the tiles to dry for the whole night so that they bind properly with the adhesive.
  • The next day, ensure that the tiles have dried up and only then remove the tile spacers.
  • The next step is to mix the grout. Apply the grout at an approximately 45 degree angle with the help of a rubber float. The excess or the unwanted grout mix can be removed with the help of a sponge. Remove the haze that appears on the grout after about 60-70 minutes.
  • The final step is to take the caulk, and seal the edges.
  • It is necessary to wear hand gloves while using the grout and the adhesive.
  • Tiles may develop sharp edges; therefore, avoid getting hurt and handle the tiles carefully.
  • It is suggested to use a water-resistant grout, if the tiles are likely to get wet.

Painting a Ceramic Wall Tile

It is not a difficult job, if you follow some simple steps.
  • You need to scrub the tile in order to clean it completely.
  • The next step is to take a sandpaper and a sand block to remove the glossiness from each and every corner of the tile.
  • Further on, after cleaning the tile,
  • Further on, after cleaning the tile, apply the bond primer in order to bind the tile with the paint.
  • Once the primer dries, paint the tile with an oil paint, and let it dry. You will have to apply a number of coats so that a strong surface is created.
This procedure can be followed for both indoor and outdoor ceramic wall tiles.
To enhance the overall look of your wall, go for attractive designer tiles. Don't hesitate to go the unconventional way while painting the tiles. It's your wall; give it a personal touch and see how elated you feel.