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How to Make a Bedskirt

Azmin Taraporewala
Want your bedroom decor to personify ardor? Here is a piece that shows you how to make bedskirts - a style, that serves your purpose, and feeds your panache. Snuggle up, and read on to make a cozier bedding.
Books, old newspapers, shoes, a puzzle set and a guitar that is no more a functional entity, are stuffed underneath... well, lets face it, underneath the bed, and there would be guests turning up at your dwelling in an hour's time (Not a very pleasant situation to handle). However, you have no option, but to get the guest room ready in a trice.
The need of the hour is to put on your thinking cap and get going. Voila! Why not try making a bedskirt! Sounds new? Don't worry. Here's help coming your way. This article will show you how to make one and enhance your bedroom decor strategically.
Humans possess a tendency called 'hoarding'. We are in the habit to possess unwanted things... things that have lost their purpose in our lives. The space beneath the bed becomes a storehouse of sorts. This is where bedskirts come into the picture. It is a great way to hide the area under the bed that is better not disclosed.
Bed skirts are a great option to prevent dust mites from making the area beneath the bed their permanent residential address. Apart from the purpose it serves, bedskirts look elegant and deliver an air of sophistication. You have a vast array of colors and patterns to choose from.
They are available in all the standard bed sizes. You could choose them depending on the color scheme of your bedroom. There are matching sets of bedding that include bed sheets, pillow covers, comforters and the bedskirt.
The contents of the set could be matching or could have a touch of contrast. It is a well-accepted fact, that if the thread count of the bedskirt is higher, the quality is richer and the price, even bulkier.

Simple Instructions to Follow

Here are some easy steps to make a bedskirt.
  • Choose a color match or contrast for your fabric and the entire look.
  • Keep the mattress away from the actual work site, maybe in the neighboring room or just put it aside.
  • Making one from a sheet is the most economically sound option. Instead of visiting the market and purchasing new fabric to make a sheet that is not visible anyway, is not required. You could just use a sheet that you have decided to discard.
  • Put the sheet in such a manner, that the sides of the box spring touch the sides of the sheet. To get a uniform look, fold the sheet from the bottom, keeping the width of the fold, the same throughout.
  • Now, it's time to pin the sheet. Place the pins straight. The edges of the sheet are folded, keeping the spacing in-between folds, the same.
  • Keep the pins placed where they are, and take the sheet as it is to the ironing board, to get neat creases.
  • The next step is to buy the fabric. It is advisable to buy the material in installments, keeping the two sides of the bed in mind and buying a little extra.
  • Each section or material requires a hem at the bottom, before you put together the flat sheet, and the fabric.
  • Pin-up the bedskirt material to the sheet before sewing the duo. This step should be followed in order to get smooth and even edges of the finished product.
  • Get the mattress back on the box spring, and add the bedskirt on top of it.
To make a bedskirt for a day bed is not as daunting a task, as it seems to be. Making a day bed is a good idea as it provides ample room for storage purpose. They could be made for the kids' room as well. The toddlers bed can have their toys stuffed beneath. Embellishing the day bed with contrasting colors and soft pillows can add character to the room.
As they grow up, these day beds could serve to be the perfect sit-outs and relaxation hubs for them and their friends. Having bedskirts for a crib could be a great way to decorate your newborn's space. It gives crib bedding a whole new meaning. A theme for the whole room or space could be decided and worked upon accordingly.
Matching color schemes would go better for a crib rather than contrasting shades. You could furnish the bed sides with a ruffled bedskirt, or have a plain, yet elegant one for the crib. You could create it in a matter of few hours and have the baby crib ready.

How to Maintain Bedskirts

There are styles that involve no sewing hassles. Use a Velcro strip for attaching the tailored pleats.
Fix a Velcro strip to the railing of the bed in a way, that keeps it from sweep the floor. They should be placed strategically, so that it lightly touches the floor. To make them stay in place, an easy way out, is to stick to our old and faithful pins. Attaching pins tightly and strategically does not let it sway and flow in weird directions.
Having bedskirts that are appropriate for the bed size, and that fit perfectly is a quick fix, and the best way to keep them where they ought to be.

How to Wash Bedskirts

Ensure that you wash your bed linen with extreme care. Understand that the instructions provided by the manufacturer are printed for a purpose. You need to adhere to these instructions, so that the material of your bedskirt does not pass its prime too soon.
Also, the recommendations for washing the linen, in context with the permissible quantity of detergent to be used and the method of ironing must be followed. If however, you are not certain about how to wash the bedskirt, and feel that you may not do a perfect job, you may hand over the linen for dry cleaning.
Add a touch of elan, place a hint of sophistication, or give your baby the grand-arrival-bed it deserves, bedskirts can do it all!