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How to Install Acoustic Foam

Mamta Mule
Considering an acoustic treatment for your home recording studio or the meeting room in your office? Well then, here are some tips on how to install acoustic foam which you can read on before working on this DIY project.
Acoustic foam or acoustic tiles are much commonly used in commercial spaces. With the foam installed over the walls and ceiling of a room or a hall, you can enjoy better sound quality. In spaces where sound quality needs to be extremely good, clear and crisp, these foam remains the ultimate alternative.
Let me tell you that acoustic foam tones down the exterior noise and absorbs the interior high pitch sound waves ensuring that the sound output is clear without any echo. Well, this makes them a popular choice for spaces like conference rooms, seminar halls, concert halls or theaters, etc., where it is most essential to get a clear sound output.
The installation process of this foam is simple which makes acoustic insulation a widely used solution.

Installation Process

Take the Measurements

While learning how to install acoustic foam, the first step is measuring the area to be covered with this foam. Well, you need to decide whether you will be covering the wall, ceiling or both with this foam.
Let me tell you that covering the ceiling and all the walls will give best results. With the total height and width of each surface, you can calculate the total foam required for this job.

Cutting Backing Panels

Before you learn how to cut the foam, you need to consider whether you will put up the foam directly over the wall or install it over a wall panel. A cardboard panel or wooden panel is often used as a base for sticking the foam which is further nailed on the walls.
This will ensure that the walls do not get damaged in case you need to remove the foam or replace it. So consider the total size of each wall and the ceiling and cut cardboard into medium-sized panels to make the installation process easier.

Sticking the Foam

Now take the foam sheet and cut it into pieces according to the dimension of the cardboard panels. Stick the foam over cardboard panels using a spray adhesive. It is best to spray the adhesive on cardboard as well as on the back of the foam.
One of the important tips is to wait for a minute before attaching the surfaces to each other after applying adhesive over them. Now stick them over each other and wait for at least 3 hours before moving on to the next step of installing the foam.

Final Installation

Once the foam adheres well to the cardboard panels, it is time to install cardboard panels over the wall and the ceiling. All you need to do is nail these panels on the surface. Make sure that you use minimum nails for installing each panel. Nailing the edges is enough for fixing them right against the wall.
The weight of the panels being minimal, installing them won't be a tough job. Start installation from top border of the wall and work towards the floor. Use an electric knife if you need to adjust the size of the panels at the bottom.
Remember that soundproofing and acoustic treatment are two different procedures. Acoustic foam mainly ensures crisp and clear, echo-free sound in a room treated with the same. The aforementioned procedure is sure to help you in your task.
Gather the material and start working on the project. You can also consider other options like acoustic ceiling tiles and various design and color options in the foam. All the best!