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How to Create a Gym Floor Plan

Mukta Gaikwad
A gym needs to made on the basis of the workouts that you will be doing. Certain factors need to take into consideration in order to create a gym floor plan.
The aesthetics of the gym can decide its success or downfall. A well laid out gym, not only helps you in getting customers, but also retaining them. A well planned gym also serves its purpose well, as opposed to a haphazard one.
Gym floor plans have to meet certain rules, regulations and safety measures. One needs to have a vision and a judicious approach while making a gym floor plan at home or at a commercial space. As the available space is limited, you need to make its maximum use. With huge equipment, the available space must be used in an optimum way.

What is the Point?

The most important point to be kept in mind while making floor plans for a gym, is what is the point of having the gym. Jot down the reasons for building a gym at home. Make a careful note of how much weight or flab you need to lose.
Give yourself a deadline and then start planning your gym at home. This will give you the exact idea of the items you need to make the gym effective. With a variety of gym machines, weights and other equipment, one can get confused while planning a home gym.

Equipment for Achievement

Once you narrow down on the reasons for having a gym at home, it will be easier to plan and procure the right kind of equipment. Most weight watchers go in for cardio machines as they help in burning calories faster. These machines occupy a lot of space too.
Hence, instead of dedicating a corner to weight, save it for yoga or exercises that require stretching. You can keep the weights in a cupboard instead of showcasing them outside.

My Space

As you are making a gym at home, the space is going to a limited one. So sit down with your family members and figure out that one room that is going to your exercising zone. The designated space will give you a realistic idea of the equipment that you can place in it.
If you do not want to spend on an AC, then the room needs to have good ventilation.

The Plan

While planning the gym, you will have to consider a lot of things. Costing is the most important part of planning. Thus, chalk out a budget that you want to spend on making a home gym, before you begin to actually plan it. 
While making a budget, consider the cost of anti-skid carpets, mirrors, cost of the AC or ventilation that you may have to provide, lights, music system, and lastly, the equipment. Divide the area on the basis of cardio zones, weight training area, and gym floor that can be used for dancing and other aerobic exercises.
While planning the gym, ensure that there is some space to move around. Using up the entire space will make it look all cramped up.
The final plan for the gym floor must be made on the basis of what you need to do in the gym. Most of the time, people unnecessarily go in for a swanky gym with top class equipment. However, only a few of it is actually utilized, leaving the rest to a complete waste.
For instance, if you are heavy bottom, then you will need extensive cardio workouts and related equipment.
However, if you are heavy on the top, you will need weight training and other aerobic exercises.
Knowing your body type is also an important part of planning a gym floor at home. It will help you have a gym that proves to be more effective in the years to come.