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Fiberglass Roofing Panels

Sonia Nair
Fiberglass roofing is often preferred for its durability and translucence. This story provides some information about these roofing panels.
Roofing is undoubtedly one of the integral parts of housing. Factors, like durability, cost, and strength, have to be taken into consideration, while choosing a roofing material. Apart from that, it must be in sync with the design and style of the house.
There are different types of roofing materials in the market. Choose a few types that are suitable for your requirement. Compare the features of these materials, and choose the one that is best suited for your needs. Fiberglass panels can be a good choice, especially for those, who are looking for a roofing for their carport, greenhouse, or patio.

What is Fiberglass Roofing?

Introduced during the 1930s, fiberglass roofing is still popular, due to its durability and looks. As the name suggests, this type of roofing is made of thin fibers of glass. These high strength glass fibers are pressed along with organic resin, to form fiberglass panels. The organic resin binds the fibers together.
You might have noticed the green-colored panels used as roofing in greenhouses, patios, carports, and yards. They are actually fiberglass roofing panels that are now available in a wide range of colors, designs, and patterns. Corrugated fiberglass panels have alternate ridges and grooves. Even flat panels and shingles made of fiberglass, are available in the market.

Pros and Cons

There are various factors behind the popularity of fiberglass roofing. They include strength, durability, weather resistance, and translucency. They are also cheaper, as compared to some other types of roofing. This material can offer protection from direct sunlight, rain, and snow; and allows drainage of water and passage of light.
Some types of fiberglass roofing panels come with ultraviolet filters too. Installing corrugated ones is not a difficult task, as they are lightweight and flexible; and can withstand cutting, drilling, nailing, sawing, and punching. These panels are also fire resistant, and some types have anti-algae properties too. They are also not prone to develop rust. Some of the manufacturers offer a life-time guarantee for this product.
However, there are some disadvantages of fiberglass roof panels. Being lightweight, this roofing material is not suitable for areas with strong winds, but proper installation may address this problem. These panels offer very little insulation from heat and cold.
They may also contract and expand with temperature variations, and this has to be taken care of, while installing fiberglass roofing panels. This roofing material is also prone to make disturbing noises, during rain, as they are very thin and lightweight. As compared to flat ones, corrugated fiberglass panels are said to be more durable.
In short, fiberglass roofing can be a perfect choice for those who want a cheaper, but durable roofing that allows some light to enter. Compare different roofing materials, their features, pros and cons, and cost; so that you can choose the one that is best suited for your needs.