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Popular Dormer Styles

Geeta Dhavale
Dormers on houses are not only impressive, but they also provide extra usable space. Let's know more about the different styles in which they are available.
A dormer is a structure that is set vertically on the slope of the roof. It is not always a part of the original building, but is added later. However, of late, there are many houses that are constructed with them, as these structures not only provide a natural light to enter the house, but also create cozy corners and increase usable space in the house.
Dormers have their own roof, and have a window that allows light and ventilation in the house. They can be used as small head rooms, providing more functional space.
Since ancient days, dormers have been a part of British architecture. If you are planning to add one to your house, then it is advisable that you know about the various styles and types.
They come in different shapes and sizes, so you can choose one that complements your home orientation, style, and your needs. The differences are characterized by its roof designs. The roofing can be straight, curved, hipped, or a combination of various basic shapes.

Shed Style

It is one of the basic roof styles, that has a single flat roof panel. Shed dormers were part of the Colonial revival architecture. They were seen in Craftsman and Dutch Colonial architecture.

Eyebrow Style

As the name suggests, eyebrow dormers resemble the human eyebrow, as they have a low curved roof and are similar to arch dormers. Hard edges or vertical sides are not present in this style, which is very typical of the Shingle style architecture.

Hipped Style

These are characterized by a hip like triangular design on the roof. In this style, there are three plane slopes, which meet at the top. It is common to the Craftsman and Prairie architecture.

Gabled Style

Here, a small roof is coming out of the roof of the house. They are iconic dormers, that are perpendicular to the main roof of the house. These have a flat front with two plane roofs meeting at the top from both sides. It is typical of the English Tudor style architecture.
Apart from this, people who do not wish to build new dormers go for inset dormers. They can only be seen from outside the house, as they are placed back into the roof and do not provide any extra usable place. They just enhance the beauty of the house and give it a stylish look. They are known as inset, blind, or recessive dormers.

How to Add Dormers to House

Before adding a dormer to the house it is necessary to get a legal permission which is filed according to the city building code. Once you get it, it is advisable that you call a professional person to build the dormer. But, if you want to do it yourself, then you need to have some really good carpentry skills and carpentry tools with you.
You will need ladders, toe boards, glasses, gloves, scaffolding, and other essential tools to complete this home improvement project.
  • First you need to decide the size and location of the dormer depending on the size of the room. Once decided, you need to remove the sheathing, shingles, and other obstructions such as electrical wires, insulation, etc., that cover the roof.
  • Then, determine the slope of the roof with the help of a speed square and measuring tape, so that you can cut the right angles in the studs. Now, start building the window frame. Once it is built, you need to check if it fits properly. If this sounds like too much work, or seems too difficult, you can always opt for a ready-made window frame.
  • Next, you need to build the dormer walls and ceiling. You will need lumber for this. Now, install wall sections, trusses, ceilings, and window assemblies properly.
  • Once that is fixed properly, the next step is to build the roof. You can select the design of your choice from the various roof styles.
  • The next step is connecting the dormer to the main roof. Once you do that, give a finishing touch to the roof by installing plywood sheathing and siding. Decorate the room with minimum furniture and your dormer is ready to use.
You can use it as a small bedroom, study room, head room, or just as a quiet corner for relaxation in the house. Dormers are a cost-effective choice to add extra space and ventilation in your house, and with the plethora of styles available, these additions will also make your house look elegant.