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Asian Bathrooms

Aparna Jadhav
Asian bathrooms display one of the best designs in the interior world, as they are full of luxury and comfort. Check out some unique and elegant designs and ideas.
Even though this room in the house is the least used room throughout the day, it has to be one of the best. We are talking about your bathrooms, which are the basic necessities of every household. All round the world, there are numerous designs and interiors, which are modified according to particular cultures.
One such very well-known and commonly used design is the Asian inspired style. These bathrooms are well-known for their unique interior arrangement patterns. They are also the most decorative styles, which are full of accessories and decor.
Most people like to keep these very basic, with just the necessary amenities, while some like to make them swish and classy. The designs are truly awesome, and you could spend hours in them without noticing the time!


Who wouldn't like to walk into a perfectly clean and beautifully decorated bathroom, the first thing in the mornings? Asian themed baths are like this, with everything in the room, systematically organized and well settled. 
They cannot look shabby, because their basic arrangements and structures are made in perfect symmetry. There are many aspects that are used to make them interesting and worthwhile, which are mentioned here for your convenience.


These bathrooms have a peculiarity of being simple and less ornamental. They have a certain charm about them, which is displayed through the low profile and elegant looks. 
They have the least furniture and objects, but still is considered as the most expressive styles and designs. It is believed to be a relaxing place in the whole house. The minimal furniture gives more space for the users to relax and freshen up.


These bathrooms are also believed to have versatile looks and designs. It is not necessary that being simple, they have to be ordinarily decorated and basic. They also display a clear feeling of sheer class by using modern and ultra-modern methods of interiors. 
Right from glass showers to Jacuzzis with pools under them, they look vibrant and beautifully structured. Many of them are painted in the most extraordinary ways and colors to give them a natural and peaceful feeling. The interiors can be as versatile as a person's imagination.

Natural Designs

These bathrooms are also very well-known for their natural elements like plants, water pools, wooden furniture, open floors, fountains, earthen wear, and windows and doors overlooking a garden or the outdoors. 
They have drapes all around them and a comfortable feeling to relax in. There are systematic arrangements of towels, soaps, shampoos, and other cosmetics in the right places. They are made into rooms which feel very close to the greenery and peace of nature, and thus they are used by many interior designers as a choice for many homes.


As mentioned earlier, the bathrooms are also accessorized with the most elite and elegant pieces of decor. They use a lot of greenery around the wash basin and the tub or Jacuzzi as it relaxes a person completely.
These rooms are also decorated with aroma candles and sticks, as these too help in the peaceful setup of the mind. Bamboo shoots are a major part of their decor, for the simple reason that most of them are made in the order of Feng Shui.
Other accessories used are shower curtains tumblers, toothbrush holders, wastebaskets, and soap dishes, all with traditional Asian signs and symbols.
With these elaborate and expressive ideas, you too can make your mind to get your bathrooms made in this style. It is a truly relaxing experience to have one, so go ahead and get your home one of these.